TVR Instruments Measuring Power Protection LVD Distribution & Panel Building




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The Emko TRANS range of generator controllers can all be fitted with remote monitoring and control modules. These easy to fit modules can be retrofitted, if required with ease, requiring attachment to the rear of the controller via the ribbon cable supplied and then enabled through the module front keys or via a PC.  Once enabled and connected the remote monitoring options are three fold, GSM, LAN or GPRS. There are varying degrees of operation and functionality dependant on the application up to the point that the remote operator can modify the controller from a desktop login. The data captured by the controllers can either be stored onboard, 4GB capacity, or stored in the EMKO Cloud for retrival on a regular basis. The modules have varying methods of communication including email and SMS.



  TVR Instruments Limited, 143 Butt Road, Colchester CO3 3DP, Essex, United Kingdom - Tel: +44 (0)1206 575755 - Email /
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