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Sensors for type B Earth leakage Relays

B series sensors can measure AC and DC currents with a DC-10kHz bandwidth, and 1mA resolution.  TDB sensors have an integrated degauss function with DC offset zeroing, which is by relay command. This function sets to zero the DC current measuring errors (DC offset) caused by terrestrial magnetic field, permanent magnets, DC coil, temperature drifts, mechanical shocks, or vibrations. The measuring error of the RMS current (AC + DC) is proportional to the line current and it depends on the geometrical layout of the conductors passing through the sensor hole. It also depends on the distance and the geometrical layout of the nearby conductors passing outside the sensor hole. The IΔn setting <100mA will be possible only by centering the conductors and with controlled environment conditions (temperature, vibration, EMI).


Part No./Online Shop Sensitivity 30mA-1.5A
TDB0283CM Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø28mm Sensitivity: 30mA-1.5A
TDB0603CM Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø60mm Sensitivity: 30mA-1.5A
TDB0903CM Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø90mm Sensitivity: 30mA-1.5A
  Sensitivity 300mA-15A
TDB028003 Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø28mm Sensitivity: 300mA-15A
TDB060003 Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø60mm Sensitivity: 300mA-15A
TDB090003 Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø90mm Sensitivity: 300mA-15A
TDB160003 Closed sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø160mm Sensitivity: 300mA-15A
TDB210003 Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay Ø210mm Sensitivity: 300mA-15A
  Datasheet for above Sensors
  Sensitivity 1-50A
TDB321050 Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay 325 x 125 mm Sensitivity: 1-50A
TDB471050 Closed Sensor for TYPE B Earth Leakage Relay 470 x 160mm Sensitivity: 1-50A
TDB321050 Drawing TD471050 Drawing


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